Enrol now: Business School for Designers

November 2024 Cohort

Enrol into Business School

We’re excited to welcome you to the Business School for Designers, a unique opportunity to elevate your leadership skills and business acumen within the design industry

How it works

  • Reserve your spot
    By submitting this form and paying a 20% deposit, you’ll secure a place in the upcoming cohort. This deposit ensures that your spot is held while we review your application

  • Application review
    Once your application is submitted, our team will review it to confirm your eligibility for the programme

  • Finalise enrolment
    After your application is approved, you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to pay the remaining 80% of the course fee

Enrolment form

Your name
What type of design work do you primarily focus on?
How confident are you in your understanding of business concepts?
What specific business skills do you want to develop to enhance your design role?

Payment details

The 20% deposit ($699) is fully refundable if you choose not to proceed after your application is reviewed. Upon confirmation of your enrolment, we will send you a link to pay the remaining 80% of the course fee, making it easier for you to manage the upfront cost while securing your spot in this highly sought-after programme.